This is the second part of Cracking Front-End Developer Interview which covers javaScript questions.
Questions asked on JavaScript:
🔹What is hoisting? Explain with example? Temporal Dead Zone?
🔹Difference between call, apply and bind. Give example.
🔹What is closure and what are the advantages of using closure?
🔹Event bubbling, event capturing/trickling, and event delegation
🔹Explain with examples of a deep and shallow copy.
🔹How Javascript code is executed?
🔹Explain features of ES6.
🔹JS engine archietecture.
🔹What is prototypal inheritance? Give example.
🔹Write Polyfill for my bind method.
🔹What is an event loop?
🔹splice vs slice method.
🔹What is type of null,undefined,function ,NaN.
🔹Difference between == and ===.
🔹Implement a product method that will return the product of two numbers.
🔹What is function currying? Give example
🔹What are promises in js? Difference between async-await vs promises.
🔹What are the advantages of using Axios over Fetch API?
🔹What is debouncing and create your own debouncing?
🔹Difference between debouncing and throttling with examples.
🔹Scope chain.
🔹Explain the CORS mechanism.
🔹Difference between setTimeout vs setInterval.
🔹What is optical chaining?
🔹Map vs filter vs forEach
🔹What is type coercion?
🔹How async/await works?
🔹Remove falsy values from Array.
🔹Shuffle elements in an array.
🔹How to empty an array?
🔹Falsy values in js.
🔹Different ways of creating an object.
🔹Deep copy of an object.
🔹Spread operator vs rest operator.
🔹What is a strict mode in js?
🔹What is eval()?
🔹Remove duplicate values from an array.
🔹Difference between null and undefined.
🔹Check if a given object is empty or not.
🔹Explain JWT in detail.
🔹Difference between stop propagation and prevent default method.
🔹What is array destructuring?
🔹Difference between the arrow and normal function.
🔹Practice more output questions in JS (related with this, closure, error). Attached link for output questions of javascript.
🔹Increment and decrement operator.
🔹What are reference error and syntax error?
🔹Explain what the callback function is and provide a simple example.
🔹Given a string, reverse each word in the sentence.
🔹Given two strings, return true if they are anagrams of one another.
🔹How does this keyword work? Provide some examples.
🔹What is the difference between var, let, and const.
🔹Calculate the sum of all elements in a multidimensional array of infinite depth.
🔹Find a maximum consecutive repeating char in a given string.
🔹Filter movie list by average rating, name.Sort filtered list by any field inside movie object.
If you want to learn JavaScript, there are plenty of websites that provide free JavaScript tutorials. Top places to learn JavaScript
🎈Follow Akshay Saini on youtube for learning JavaScript in-depth.
🎈Make projects on Javascript. Here are 30days of challenge Javascript.
“The more you let go of comfort, the more it comes along. In fact, it chases you.”
If you need any kind of help related to this you can ping me on LinkedIn and I will be happy to share my knowledge with you all.
Part 3 will be of ReactJs Related Questions.